Saturday, March 10, 2007

Rare flower reappears in Banahaw

I read this article, if i'm not mistaken in Inquirer. It was pertaining to a rare plant that was merely extinct here in the country but miraculously started flourishing again in Mt. Banahaw. the said plant was last seen three years ago after before Mt. Banahaw was closed to trekkkers and devotees for the reason that after throngs of religious pilgrims and picnickers climbed the mountain in droves, especially during Holy Week, they left behind widespread of destruction.

The so called flower that was once extinct, but now seen again is called "rafflesia", i dont know aswell well it came from hehehe..., but one thing is for sure it is considered to be the world's biggest flower. isn't that amazing! and the cool part about it is that only few countries were noted to have the same specie of flower blooming , some of this country are malaysia, china.

Where im pointing at is, the government of Mt. Banahaw was successful in there goal of preserving the natural environment in MT. Banahaw, and the reappearance of this rare flower clearly state that Mt. Banahaw is now clean and fresh.

And to those individuals who loves to visit places such as Mt. Banahaw let's be adult enough to know the proper things to do while where enjoying the beauty of nature. What we bring up should come with us when we go back down!. You know what i mean by that right!!??

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