Sunday, March 25, 2007

What a connection..

Save forests to fight global warming

JAKARTA (AFP) - The world should invest 10 billion dollars annually to halve deforestation in the fight against global warming, Nicholas Stern, the author of a key climate change report, said Friday.

Forest clearance for farming or urban development released large amounts of the greenhouses gases blamed for climate change, he told reporters at a meeting in Indonesia's capital, Jakarta.

The world has to work together to provide a strong fund to cut deforestation in Indonesia, Brazil and other countries," he said.
In a landmark report commissioned by the British government, Stern warned last year that climate change could bring economic disaster on the scale of the world wars and the 1930s' Great Depression unless urgent action was taken


When i read this article i said to myself i was correct with my thought regarding buring of greeneries . It does greatly affect our nature as said in this article it causes global warming which an alarming event that is already existing and continually progressing..... All i could say is that with all the help that we could do lets protect nature, lets make our future a bright one! you have a great day guys!! =)

A world I dont wanna be with.

After work around 9:30 am, me and my officemate Darlene was on our way to Jollibee in alabang to take some break fast coz damn we were starving already, imagine 12-9 am without munching anything call that fasting.... hehehe , anyway on our way while chit chatting about the things that happened at work we passed by at bellevue since it was a sunday there were actually only few people walking at the vicinity. Then reaching convergys Darlene said confidentlly "uy ang baba ng clouds!" to my surprise to what she said i looked at the thing she was pertaining to, guess what i did?!. i laughed so hard because what she was pertaining to was actually smoke coming from the burned grass behind Bellevue.

It was a funny reaction to start a good day with.Unfortunately, this particular event also caught my attention because the amount of smoke emitted by the burnt grass was really thick and it smells terrible. Im not definite on what the intent was why the grass on the lot across Bellevue was burned but it made me ask myself this question : dont they have other option rather than burning up the grass? if it was for development reasons, come to think of it environmentally wise their not contributing to the protection of it but rather causing the deterioration of the environment.It may be for their benefit for a short period of time but what about the future?. It was just something that i want to bring about in this blog, something that some of us may not realize but those exist and plays a big part in the deterioration of the environment especially the ozone...

I guess the advancement of our world does play a big part in what is happening to our environment, i won't be a surprised if few years from now everything would be changing especially the status of nature.. with this vast changes it wont be impossible that we may wake up one day that there would be no trees, no grass, no nature at all but merely concrete establishments.

It's a thought that i don't want to happen... i wont want to live i a world were in all i could look at are cold damn walls...

Saturday, March 24, 2007

A realization..

I was browsing on our group blog (GE117), hoping to see interesting topics that my classmates had posted on their blogs and also to check on their T.V ads aswell. On my search there where actually alot of thing that were posted but only one did caught my attention. It was the blog done by Karina Azarez a close frend of mine. Her topic was those lit of cigarettes disposed improperly by the students in our college.

I began browsing through her thought posted, then suddenly i stumbled on one line she mentioned which was " to do or not to do"? , then i asked myself what the hell was that for, was it something she wants to joke about or is she hooked with the concept of Shakespear. At first, i must agree i smiled on that tag line, unknowing that she was driving on something. I further browse on her blog then that's the time i realized what she was driving at. It was all about us making our choice on every action that we do whether it would be a help for our environment or a treat to it. She was pointing at the small of action that we do, merely disposing the lit of our cigarette improperly. It struck me because i was guilty of it! ( i plead guilty no question asked). After reading her blog, I came to a realization that what she was actually saying was damn correct, i might not know it but i do affect nature in a very big way...

What i want to drive at is this: " to those smoker let's dispose our cigarettes properly, it a small step in maintaining the beauty of nature". Remember " to do or not to do that's the question to bare in mind". =)

A day with nature

What a long agonizing day it was , an endless walk to find a nice place to shoot our environmental documentary. The sun was way up in the sky gladly shining its rays on us... wheeeww! it was soo hot that day, but what else can we do? its merely a matter of failing or passing.

At around 12pm our group the "tigidong" =) was on our way to treck the hill side of laguna, im not particular what the exact place was but all i knew its was in laguna. It was one hell of a treck, going up , down , across name it we did it just to reach the place. after an hour i guess? we where able to reach our destination( FINALLY! =) ).

At my first glance of the place the first word that i said was " WOW!". you know why? because the place was so awesome from a person whose used to seeing cars, establishments, hightech things. It was something refreshing to the eyes, green trees, fresh breeze of air, rumbling sound of clean water, a terrific scenery. It was something unlikely to be seen in this so called modern world.

A day with nature, having to see its beauty made me ask myself this: cople of year from now would my kids see the same thing i saw? would day be able to smell fresh air? would day hear the rumbling sound of waterfalls? or would they be merely looking at pictures?. It was a thought that struck me.. a fear of losing something...

Let's not wait for nature to deteriorate or worse to vanish, doing our part by merely picking up trashes, disposing our waste properly would be a big help.. Act now! it won't only be for your benefit but the future of your kids aswell... =)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Good Way to Spend Quality Time

Most us teenagers pertain to quality time as, going out with frend, buying clothes, having a date withe our love ones, eating aroun or even just merely joking around. yes, that may be considered as quality some to reason that we have different perspective when it comes to the Word "quality time".

Just want to share this event that was lead by some MIT students in Ilocos province wherein they spend their time in conserving and protecting the coral reef in their area. It was something to be proud of because at a young start they where able to think of something of benefit to everyone not just to themselves. This is not something for a shorttime effect but rather if this would proceed on a continual basis this would greatly show a great effect in nature.This event they plottedin ilocos to preserve the coral reefs in their area was a great initiative specially if its coming from teenagers. These students coordinated with an institute in Massachussette to held the said event to promote and conserve nature. The event was like a fund raising in order for them to generate funds to proceed with there iniative and in order for them to genrate their fund they came up with a contest of some sort, which unfortunately i forgot! harhar (short memory lose) =)

Rare flower reappears in Banahaw

I read this article, if i'm not mistaken in Inquirer. It was pertaining to a rare plant that was merely extinct here in the country but miraculously started flourishing again in Mt. Banahaw. the said plant was last seen three years ago after before Mt. Banahaw was closed to trekkkers and devotees for the reason that after throngs of religious pilgrims and picnickers climbed the mountain in droves, especially during Holy Week, they left behind widespread of destruction.

The so called flower that was once extinct, but now seen again is called "rafflesia", i dont know aswell well it came from hehehe..., but one thing is for sure it is considered to be the world's biggest flower. isn't that amazing! and the cool part about it is that only few countries were noted to have the same specie of flower blooming , some of this country are malaysia, china.

Where im pointing at is, the government of Mt. Banahaw was successful in there goal of preserving the natural environment in MT. Banahaw, and the reappearance of this rare flower clearly state that Mt. Banahaw is now clean and fresh.

And to those individuals who loves to visit places such as Mt. Banahaw let's be adult enough to know the proper things to do while where enjoying the beauty of nature. What we bring up should come with us when we go back down!. You know what i mean by that right!!??

Monday, March 5, 2007

Business groups join greening project

I read this article on Manila Bulletin that Federation of Philippine Industries (FPI) a group of 37 industry associations and 65 corporate members, companies have participated in the Green Highway Foundation. The said organization is on a process of embarking on an environment conservation advocacy. They aim to target the local government officials to implement a have strong advocacy on environment protection. FPI believes that the environment should not be abused.
The Green Highway Foundation, which is chaired by Francis Chua, plants trees along the highways every five years to make the greening of highways sustainable. FPI believes that
It is about time that the industries work hand in hand with non-governmental organizations and local government units to protect and conserve the environment. they aim to atleast clean the air that commuters breath, not only that they are also combating pollution in all fronts: air, water, water scarcity, over extraction, biodiversity loss, climate and garbage.
I totally salute the action that FBI is taking lead on, it only shows that thess companies under this organisation those not focus alone on their finantial status but also they give importance to what is happening in their environment.they have this strong social responsiblity within their businesses.

20 Cebu, Davao DENR officers suspended in P4-M lumber case

CEBU CITY ? Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Michael Defensor reported that he has ordered the 50-day suspension of at least 20 officers of the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (Penro) and Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (Cenro) in Cebu and Davao following the seizure of illegally sourced lumber worth some R4 million.
In a press conference held here yesterday, Defensor said he has ordered the preventive suspension of the environment officers due to their alleged failure to prevent the smuggling of illegal lumber from Davao Oriental to Cebu.
Defensor flew to Cebu after personnel of the Naval Forces Central (Navforcen) seized Monday night R4 million worth of lumber on board a barge at Pier 7 in Mandaue City, Cebu.
Defensor said the environment officers in Cebu and Davao will be subjected to an investigation to determine if they had connived with smugglers in illegally transporting the lumber from Davao Oriental to Cebu.
Aside from the preventive suspension, Defensor said he would also order the filing of charges against the environment officers.
It's good to hear that the government is now serious interms of fighting the crime of illegal logging, this has been a continuos problem here in the country thou several laws had been established to fight this problem, nothing seems to be happening and the problem seems to get worse. This certain action done by Secretary Michael Defensor is a great start to warn those individuals that would like to do this crime, that the law those exist and punishment awaits them. even thou this is a great action done by government it alarms me to hear that the people in volved in this certain crime are those individuals who are supposedly preventing this from happening. On my point of view this people trully deserve the punishment given to them so that it may serve as a warning and a proof that the goverment is serious with their roles..
i give a thumb's up to Secretary Michael Defensor ! GOOD JOB! =)
